Sunday, August 14, 2005

an extraordinary departure: almost got arrested

mmonk (mmonk) wrote:


an extraordinary departure: almost got arrested

i took a day off from work to attend the 3-day landmark forum. the programme was scheduled take place from 09:00 to 23:30 over the 3-day period. at 13:45, escorted by two policemen, i made my high-profile exit. if i'd ever enter the building again, i would be arrested for trespassing.

why this attempt to 'transform' myself to be an 'extraoridnary' person ended so abruptly? it's all because of this picture.

landmark education basement room #1A, 318A W 33rd street, 10:30, 20-aug-04.

apparently, pictures were not allowed during the forum. the programme moderator tried to talk to me privately after seeing me play with my camera, but i refused to talk to him. later, he brought in the manager of the ny landmark forum. they threatened to call the police if i didn't leave. i thought that i was so bored at the forum anyway and that it could be quite interesting to make a scene.

one thing i was confused, the leader kept saying the importance of transforming and becoming extraordinary as if people who didn't participate in this programme were degraded and that we, pedestrian people, must take the landmark forum to become better (and perhaps extraordinary). he used gandhi as an example to demonstrate how an ordinary person became extraordinary. really? sorry but i believe that some people are born extraordinary.

anyway, i am pretty sure i am on the black list now...

6 shanthi:

Nagoyan chanted...

way to go babe!
this forum sounds like a religious group - if you don't follow Jesus, you'll go to hell!

20/8/04 16:58
Matthew chanted...

Thanks for visiting my site. I got the greek divers pic from:


21/8/04 13:46
Anonymous chanted...

The Landmark forum is nothing else but a sect ! A French journalist managed to take part in that 3-days forum in Paris with a hidden camera... Not only people are humiliated but they are even not allowed to leave the room. Isn't it enough to understand that this organisation is a sect...?



27/8/04 09:44
Anonymous chanted...

More information on the landmark forum investigation(if you can read French) :


27/8/04 10:14
mmonk chanted...

if landmark forum is not about "what you know that you know" and not about "what you know that you don't know" but "works in the realm of what you don't know you don't know"... then, rumsfeld must be a graduate.

1/9/04 12:05
Anonymous chanted...

BRILLIANT! Thank you for anything you can do to disrupt this hideous cult that preys on people with low self exteem and sucks what little (or lotta) money they have. My family has had a terrible time because my sister is so brainwashed by these people that she's been practically robbing my mother whose income (barring help from her sons) is almost at poverty level. ANYTHING anyone can do to eradicate the brainwashing cults of the world: Christian or "Personality / Psuedo-Self Help" groups that take over a person's life. We were raised Southern Baptist as if that wasn't bad enough -- so out of one fire and into hell with Landmark. You are my hero!

24/9/04 17:56


Blogger Rosie said...

One fellow is reading the paper, the other one visible has a laptop open, what's up with that?

12:29 PM  
Blogger Enric said...

Could be a break.

4:22 PM  

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